August 16, 2012

One of Those Days

Today was one of those day.
A day when nothing seemed to go right.

From the moment my alarm went off at 4:45am (yes, you read that right) it was all down hill.
Work was long and a little rocky.
I picked up the kids and was told Kate only slept 1 hour today at nap time and so she was really tired.
I thought to myself, "Great.  A tired and fussy baby.  That's exactly what I need."

But it turns out that was exactly what I needed.

Kate is a sweet girl, but she's constantly on the move and isn't a big cuddler.
But because she was so tired tonight, all she wanted was for me to hold her.

As I held her, hugged her, kissed her, and snuggled with her, I started thinking about how quickly she is growing up.
My baby won't be a baby much longer, so I really cherished my time with her tonight.

And my heart was happy again.

Who would have thought that a tired and fussy baby was what would turn my day around?

And here was my favorite moment of the day.  After bath she snuggled on my shoulder for over five minutes without moving.
My day sure ended on a high note.

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  1. Those times sure go quick! So glad you were able to enjoy more snuggles!

  2. The little unexpected snuggles are the best! I am glad it turned your day around :)

  3. I had a day like that yesterday too! Glad both our days ended on a positive note. Very sweet pictures :)
