August 9, 2012

Embrace the Camera

I have a new favorite blog.

The Anderson Crew is ah-maze-ing!

One of my favorite things on Emily's blog is Embrace The Camera.

The idea behind Embrace the Camera is that it's important for everyone to step out from behind the camera and be in their own pictures.

This really struck a cord with me as I realized how few pictures I'm in with my kids.

So my new mission is to start getting in as many pictures with my family as I can.

Every Thursday I'll post pictures of me with one of my kids, all of my kids, or my husband, no matter how grungy I am.

Because as Emily said ...

"One day, we won't be around.
Do we really just want to be a distant memory?
Or do we want pictures to remind our loved ones of what we once were.
Regardless of how we look or feel, I promise that they will treasure those photos one day.
They will not think "man, my mom was ---
(insert horrible adjective that you use to describe yourself)."
They will love the photos.
I promise."

So, without further ado, I present myself to the world!



  1. these are great!!! linking up with emily today too :)

    1. Thanks Erica! Checked out your blog and I love your picture from today. And the back to school post was great - just what I need!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jess! And I'm so glad Scott was OK. What a scary experience!
