August 11, 2012

"Ba! Ba!"

At our house we try to keep a routine at night.

When we get home from school and work, Marcus or I make dinner while the kids read, play a game, or (most often) watch TV.
Don't judge me, I do what it takes.

When the last person finishes dinner I let everyone know we are getting ready to go take a bath.
As soon as the word "bath" escapes my mouth, Kate starts screaming "Ba! Ba!" and runs to the stairs.

Every once in a while I make a mistake and use "bath" in a sentence at dinner, and then I've lost her - she gets too excited to eat.
It's actually really cute.

Needless to say, bath time is an enjoyable time for my kids.


1 comment:

  1. Lauren told me the other day, "Kate has been pooping in the bath lately"
